This standard specifies the acceptable risk criteria values for individual risks and societal risks of hazardous chemicals production unit and storage installations.
This standard is applicable to the risk determination of hazardous chemicals production unit and storage installations in site selection and surrounding land use planning.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
individual risk
frequency of deaths caused by hazardous chemical accidents assuming that personnel are in a certain place for a long time without protection, which is expressed by times per year
societal risk
frequency of certain injuries suffered by groups (including employees of surrounding enterprises and the public) in hazardous areas, which is usually expressed as the cumulative frequency (F) of accidents with N or more deaths, expressed as a curve (F-N curve) of the relationship between the cumulative frequency and the number of deaths
protected object
off-site installations or places which may cause casualties under the influence of the accidents of hazardous chemicals production unit and storage installations