This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of plasticized polyvinyl chloride tube (hereinafter referred to as tube).
This standard is applicable to plasticized tube for electrical insulation by extrusion, which is mainly made of polyvinyl chloride resin. This tube is mainly for protecting the wire and cable at room temperature.
2 Normative references
GB 1.3
Directives for the work of standardization -Rules for drafting product standards
GB 1040 Plastics-Determination of tensile properties
GB 2828
Sampling procedures and tables for lot-by-lot inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of successive lots or batches)
GB 7141 General rules of test methods for heat air aging of plastics by means of an oven
GB/T 13527.1 Plasticized polyvinyl chloride tubing for transport of fluids
3 Product model
DT represents the name of plasticized polyvinyl chloride tube, and d×δ is for the specification
For DT tube with an inner diameter (d) of 5.0mm and a wall thickness (δ) of 0.5 mm, its model is DT -5.0×0.5.
4 Technical requirements
GB/T 13527.2-1992 The following standards are cited:
GB/T 13527.2-1992 Cited by the following standards: