Wind turbines - Asynchronous generator - Part 1: Technical conditions
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 19071 specifies the main types, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, inspection items, marking, packaging, transport and other requirements for asynchronous generators of grid-connected and fixed-speed wind turbines.
This part is applicable to the single-speed or double-speed asynchronous generators (hereinafter referred to as "generators") of grid-connected and fixed-speed wind turbines, and may serve as a reference for other types of generators.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 755 Rotating electrical machines - Rating and performance
GB/T 997-2008 Rotating electrical machines - Classification of types of construction, mounting arrangements and terminal box position for (IM Code)
GB/T 1032 Test procedures for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 1971 Rotating electrical machines - Terminal markings and direction of rotation
GB/T 4942.1-2006 Degrees of protection provided by the integral design of rotating electrical machined (IP code) - Classification
GB/T 10068-2008 Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity
GB/T 10069.1 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines and the noise limits - Part 1: Method for the measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines
GB/T 10069.3 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by rotating electrical machines and the noise limits - Part 3: Noise limits
GB/T 12665 Requirements of damp-heat testing of electrical machine for service in general environmental condition
GB/T 19071.2 Wind turbines - Asynchronous generator - Part 2: Testing methods
GB/T 22714 Test specifications of interturn insulation of form-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines
GB/T 22719.1 Interturn insulation of random-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines - Part 1: Test methods
GB/T 22719.2 Interturn insulation of random-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines - Part 2: Test limits
3 Types, basic parameters, and dimensions
3.1 The protection grade of generator enclosure shall not be inferior to the requirements of IP 44 in GB/T 4942.1-2006.
3.2 The generator shall have a reliable cooling method. If ventilation cooling method is adopted, it shall be ensured that the introduced air shall not cause harm to the generator. If water cooling method is adopted, there shall be no water seepage and leakage problems.
3.3 The structure and installation type of the generator shall meet the requirements of IM B3 in GB/T 997-2008.
3.4 The generator quota is a continuous quota based on the continuous working system (S1).
3.5 Single-speed generators are recommended to be manufactured at the following rated power:
50 kW, 100 kW, 150 kW, 200 kW, 250 kW, 300 kW, 400 kW, 500 kW, 600 kW, 660 kW, 750 kW, 800 kW, 1,000 kW, 1,100 kW, 1,320 kW, 1,500 kW, 2,000 kW, 2,500 kW, and 3,000 kW (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer).
3.6 The rated frequency of the single-speed generator is 50 Hz, the synchronous speed is 1,500 r/min, and the rated voltage is 690 V (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer).
3.7 The double-speed generator shall be manufactured at the following rated power: 600 kW/125 kW, 660 kW/150 kW, 750 kW/200 kW, and 1,300 kW/250 kW (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer).
3.8 The rated frequency of the double-speed generator is 50 Hz, the synchronous speed is 1,500 r/min/1,000 r/min, 1,000r/min/750r/min, and the rated voltage is 690V/690V (any special requirements by users may be negotiated with the manufacturer).
Note: For the double-speed generator power, voltage, speed, slip ratio and other parameters, the expression method is as follows: the parameters before the slash correspond to the high speed state, and the parameters after the slash correspond to the low speed state.
GB/T 19071.1-2018 The following standards are cited: