GB/T 19630-2019 Organic products—Requirements for production,processing,labeling and management system English
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for the production, processing, labeling and management system of organic products.
This standard is applicable to the production of organic plants, animals and microbiological products, the processing of organic food, feed and textiles, and the packaging, storage, transportation, labeling and marketing of organic products.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 2721 National food safety standard—Edible salt
GB 2760 National food safety standard—Standards for uses of food additives
GB 3095 Ambient air quality standard
GB 4287 Discharge standards of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industry
GB 5084 Standards for irrigation water quality
GB 5749 Standards for drinking water quality
GB 11607 Water quality standard for fisheries
GB 14881 National food safety standard—General hygienic regulation for food production
GB 15618 Soil environmental quality—Risk control standard for soil contamination of agricultural land
GB 18596 Discharge standard of pollutants for livestock and poultry breeding
GB/T 18885 Technical specifications of ecological textiles
GB 20814 Limit and determination of the quantity of heavy-metal elements in dye products
GB 23350 Requirements of restricting excessive package—Foods and cosmetics
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB 2721, GB 2760, GB 3095, GB 4287, GB 5084, GB 5749, GB 11607, GB 14881, GB 15618, GB 18596, GB/T 18885, GB 20814, GB 23350 and the following apply.
organic production
mode of agricultural production conforming to specific production principles that obtains organisms and their products without the use of genetic engineering and does not use chemically-synthesized pesticide, fertilizers, growth regulators, feed additives and other substances in production but follows natural laws and ecological principles, coordinates the balance between planting and breeding industry, and keeps the production system stable.
organic processing
mode of processing that mainly uses organic ingredients rather than organisms and their products obtained by genetic engineering, minimizes chemical synthetic additives, processing aids, dyes and other inputs, so as to maintain nutritional ingredients and/or original attributes of the products to the greatest extent.
organic product
product made by organic production and organic processing to be consumed by human being and eaten by animals.
Note: In this standard, "organic" may be marked before the name of specific organic products or product categories, such as organic seeds, organic sprouts, organic ingredients, etc.
conversion period
period from the beginning of organic production to the production unit and the product obtaining organic product certification.
parallel production
case that organic, conversion-period or conventional products (the same or hard to distinguish) are simultaneously produced in the same production unit.
buffer zone
transition area which is purposely set between organic and conventional plots, clearly defined and used to restrict or resist shift of prohibited substances in the adjacent field parcel.
all the substances or materials adopted during organic production process.
animal life cycle
time period from the birth of animal to the time it is sold as an organic product.
homeopathic treatment
a kind of disease treatment system.
Note: Some substance series is diluted to treat disease, and such substance may cause the symptoms similar to the target disease if it is used in a large amount on healthy animal without being diluted.
propagating material
plant or plant tissue (except germchit of annual plant) used in plant production or reproduction.
Note: It includes but is not limited to rhizome, sprout, leaf, cutting seedling, root and tuber.
genetically engineered organism
genetically modified organism
plants, animals and microorganisms whose genes have been altered by technologies that change genetic materials by means other than natural mating and natural recombination (genetic engineering/transgenic technology).
Note: It excludes organism obtained by conjugation, transduction, hybridization, etc.
ionizing radiation
high-energy radiation of radionuclides
Note: It can alter the molecular structure of food to control the microorganisms, germs, parasites and pests and to preserve foods or inhibit physiological process such as sprouting or maturity.
all the substances that are used during the manufacturing or processing of products and also exist (including the existence in a modified form) in the product.
food additives
artificially synthesized or natural substances added into foods for the purpose of improving the quality, color, smell, taste, corrosion protection, preservation and processing technology of foods.
[Definition 2.1, GB 2760-2014]
processing aids
various substances used to ensure the smooth processing of food, which have nothing to do with the food itself.
GB/T 19630-2019 The following standards are cited: