无损检测 超声试块通用规范
Non-destructive testing - General specification for ultrasonic blocks
1 范围
1 Scope
This standard specifies the classification, technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, etc. of blocks for ultrasonic testing (hereinafter referred to as block).
The blocks in this standard include standard test blocks and reference blocks, wherein, standard test blocks are only applicable to steel blocks.
This standard is applicable to type inspection and end-of-manufacturing inspection of blocks.
It may also be used as the basis for acceptance of user orders.
2 规范性引用文件
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 699 优质碳素结构钢
Quality carbon structure steels
GB/T 12604.1 无损检测 术语 超声检测
Non-destructive testing - Terminology - Terms used in ultrasonic testing
GB/T 19001 质量管理体系 要求
Quality management systems - Requirements
GB/T 23900 无损检测 材料超声速度测量方法
Non-destructive testing - Practice for measuring ultrasonic velocity in materials
GB/T 23908 无损检测 接触式超声脉冲回波直射检测方法
Non-destructive testing - Practice for ultrasonic pulse-echo straight-beam testing by the contact method
GB/T 23912 无损检测 液浸式超声纵波脉冲反射检测方法
Non-destructive testing - Practice for immersed ultrasonic testing by the reflection method using pulsed longitudinal waves
GB/T 27025 检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
3 术语和定义
3 Terms and definitions
GB/T 12604.1界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。为了便于使用,以下重复列出了GB/T 12604.1中的一些术语和定义。
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 12604.1 and the following apply. For the convenience of application, some terms and definitions in GB/T 12604.1 are listed repeatedly as follows.
槽口 groove notch
artificial discontinuity of block surface opening, with rectangular, U-shaped and V-shaped cross sections (see Figure 1)