JB/T 9548.4-1999 Methods for chemical analysis of iron-chromium-aluminium alloys The photometric acid dehydration gravimetric mehtod for the determination of silicon content
Methods for chemical analysis of iron-chromium-aluminium alloys The photometric acid dehydration gravimetric mehtod for the determination of silicon content
This standard specifies the photometric acid dehydration gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content in iron-chromium-aluminium alloys.
This standard is applicable to the determination of silicon content in iron-chromium-aluminium alloys, and the determination range is from 0.10% to 1.00%.
2 Method Summary
The test portion will be dissolved in acid, and will be heated with perchloric acid and smoke to dehydrate the silicic acid, the silicic acid will be filtered, washed and burnt into silicon dioxide. The silicon will be treated with sulfuric acid-hydrofluoric acid to become into silicon tetrafluoride, and the silicon tetrafluoride will evaporate to remove the silicon, hereby, the percentage content of silicon can be calculated according to the difference in mass before and after removing silicon.
JB/T 9548.4-1999 The following standards are cited:
JB/T 9548.4-1999 Cited by the following standards: