QB/T 3829-1999 Corrosion-resistant testing method of the metal deposits and conversion coatings for the light industrial products--Corrodokote test (CORR)
Coat the corrodkote containing corrosive salts on the to-be-tested specimens and wait till the corrodkote becomes dry, place the specimens in a humidity cabinet with satisfactory relative humidity and carry out corrosion test for the specified duration, by this time the surface of specimens is corroded by the corrodkote, then take out the specimens and inspect them, and make corrosion rating.
2 Test Equipment
2.1 The equipment used in the test is a humidity cabinet with heating and air recirculation systems, including specimen holder.
2.2 It is disallowed that the water drops coagulated on the top cover or specimen holder of humidity cabinet drop onto the tested specimen.