1. Scope
The Clause 1 of GB 2099.1 is applicable except as follows:
Add after the fifth line:
This standard applies to shuttered and non-shuttered, fused and non-fused adaptors for a.c. only.
Fuses of fused adaptors are not intended to protect appliance or parts of them against overload.
Add :
NOTE - The use of non-shuttered adaptors is not allowed in the following countries: Italy( IT, Norway ( NO).
2. Normative Reference1]
The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this part of GB 2099, constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. But the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
The Clause 2 of GB 2099.1 is applicable except as follows:
Add to the list of normative references:
GB/T 13539 (All parts) (idt, IEC 60269 Low-voltage fuses )
GB 16915.2-2000 Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations Part 2: Particular requirements Section 1: Electronic switches (eqv IEC 669-2-1:1996)
IEC 60083 Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member countries of IEC
3. Definitions
The Clause 3 of GB 2099.1 is applicable except as follows:
Replace Note 3 by:
NOTE 3 The term "accessory" is used as a general term covering plugs, socket-outlets and adaptors; the term "portable accessory" covers plugs, portable socket-outlets and adaptors.
Add the following note 5:
NOTE 5 The term "adaptor" is used as a general term covering all types of adaptors except where reference is made to one particular type.
3.25 Replace by:
rated voltage: Voltage assigned to the accessory by the manufacturer, which will be that specified in the standard sheet, if any.
3.26 Replace by:
rated current: Current assigned to the accessory by the manufacturer, which will be that specified in the standard sheet, if any.
Add the following definitions:
3.101 adaptor: Portable accessory constructed as an integral unit incorporating both a plug portion and one or more socket-outlet portions.
3.102 fused adaptor: Adaptor incorporating a replaceable fuse link in one or more current-carrying poles.
3.103 polarized fused adaptor: Fused adaptor constructed so that, when inserted in a socket-outlet installed in a polarized wiring installation, the correct relationship between the neutral and the line pole or poles is maintained.
3.1 04 multiway adaptor: Adaptor which allows the connection simultaneously of more than one plug to all socket-outlet portions of the adaptor.
3.105 conversion adaptor: Adaptor which allows the connection of one or more types of plug to a socket-outlet not designed to accept such plugs.