GB/T 7409.3-1997 Excitation system for synchronous electrical machines-Technical requirements excitation system for large and medium synchronous generators
1.1 This standard has stated the technical requirements on the excitation devices of the synchronous generator and the rotary condenser, the test items, signs and packaging. It is applicable to the 10MW-and-higher hydraulic generators connected with the electric system and the excitation system of 50MW-and-higher turbogenerators and rotary condensers.
1.2 This standard is exclusively applicable to the excitation system of the following types of exciters.
1.2.1 DC Exciter
The dragging method of the DC exciter can adopt the coaxial or non-coaxial method with the main generator.
1.2.2 AC Exciter
A. AC Exciter with Stationary Rectifier
Note: the rectifier can be controllable or uncontrollable.
B. AC Exciter with Rotating Rectifiers (Brushless Exciter)
1.2.3 Static Exciter
A. Potential Source Static Exciter;
B. Multiple Source Static Exciters
GB/T 7409.3-1997 The following standards are cited: