This Standard specifies requirements for electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on iron or steel. It includes information to be supplied by the purchaser to the electroplater, and the requirements for heat treatment before and after electroplating.
This Standard is not applicable to zinc coatings applied:
— to sheet, strip or wire in the non-fabricated form;
— to close-coiled springs;
— for purposes other than protective or decorative.
This Standard does not specify requirements for the surface condition of the basis metal prior to electroplating with zinc. However, defects in the surface of the basis metal can adversely affect the appearance and performance of the coating.
The coating thickness that can be applied to threaded components can be limited by dimensional requirements, including class or fit.
ISO1463 金属和氧化物覆盖层 厚度测量 显微镜法(Metallicandoxidecoatings—Measurementofcoatingthickness—
ISO2064 金属和其他非有机覆盖层 关于厚度测量的定义和一般规则(Metallicandotherinorganiccoatings—Definitionsandconventionsconcerningthemeasurementofthickness)
ISO2080 金属及其他无机覆盖层 金属及其他无机覆盖层的表面处理 词汇(Metallicand
ISO2177 金属覆盖层 覆盖层厚度测量 阳极溶解库仑法(Metalliccoatings—Measurementof coatingthickness—Coulometricmethodbyanodicdissolution)
ISO2178 磁性基体上非磁性覆盖层 覆盖层厚度测量 磁性法(Non-magneticcoatingson magneticsubstrates—Measurementofcoatingthickness—Magneticmethod)
ISO2819 金属基体上的金属覆盖层 电沉积和化学沉积层 附着强度试验方法评述(Metallic coatingsonmetallicsubstrates—Electrodepositedandchemicallydepositedcoatings—Reviewofmethodsavailablefortestingadhesion)
ISO3497 金属覆盖层 覆盖层厚度测量 X 射线光谱法(Metalliccoatings—Measurementof coatingthickness—X-rayspectrometricmethods)