GB/T 19519-2004 Composite insulators for a.c.overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V—Definitions,test methods and acceptance criteria
This Standard specifies definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria of composite insulators for A.C. overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V.
This standard is applicable to composite insulators for use as suspension/tension line insulators, but it is to be noted that these insulators can occasionally be subjected to compression or bending, for example when used as phase-spacer insulators, they are designed primarily to resist bending loads. Line post insulator is not included in the application scope of this standard.
This standard deals with those composite insulators which include a “core” and “housing”. The core is usually made of resin-impregnated glass fibers. The housing can be manufactured from a variety of materials including elastomers (e.g. silicone, ethylene-propylene); resins (e.g. cycloaliphatic epoxy); or fluorocarbons (e.g. polytetraf luoroet hylene).
This standard does not include requirements dealing with the choice of insulators for specific operating conditions.
GB/T 19519-2004 The following standards are cited: